Mostly True: “If housing conditions in Ghent don’t change, 40% of all inhabitants will not be able to buy a house on the private market”

In July 2021, housing prices in Europe had increased by 30.9% since 2010, according to data by Eurostat. A situation that has left many Europeans unable to buy their own property. In Belgium, Tine Heyse, a politician for the left-wing party Groen, stated that ‘if the current housing conditions in Ghent don’t change, 40% of…

Mostly true: “The Netherlands has one of the largest social housing sectors in Europe but the waiting list for social housing averages nine years”

Dutch political party VVD states in its current election programme (2021) that the Netherlands has one of the largest social rental sectors in Europe but that the waiting lists for social housing average nine years. The party promises to make social housing more available to people with smaller incomes by stimulating richer people to move…