True: Two-thirds of Poles oppose the adoption of the euro

News platform Brussels Signal published an article in April, titled ”Two thirds of Poles oppose adoption of the euro, poll shows”. Brussels Signal’s founder and publisher is Patrick Egan, who has connections to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party. We began to question the claim because the platform’s political connections. However, we found in…

Uncheckable: “YouTube favored far-right videos during the 2024 Finnish presidential election”

YouTube favored far-right-wing videos in the run-up to the Finnish presidential election in 2024, claimed journalist Clothilde Goujard in Politico magazine on the 26th of March 2024. Goujard bases her claim on a well-known Finnish factchecker’s report. We checked the claim and found it uncheckable. According to experts, the data collecting period was not long…

Mostly true: The Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation is a “robust and evidence-based law”

On the 24th of April, published an article regarding the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), that passed in the European Parliament on that same day. In the article, Matti Rantanen, director general of the European Paper Packaging Association (EPPA) is quoted calling the law “robust and evidence-based.” This claim comes as a surprise…

Mostly False: The Digital Service Act is intended to prevent the sharing of unorthodox and creative ideas

In a video, EU lead candidate of the right-wing populist party AfD, Maximilian Krah, criticized the EU digital laws that recently came into force. The Digital Service Act, for example, “is intended to prevent unorthodox and creative ideas from being shared on the internet”, said Krah. However, a look at the facts shows that this…