Uncheckable: EU spends trillions to slow climate change by 0.05 degrees

An article in the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) by Bjørn Lomborg from 2013 claims that the EU is spending trillions of euros to reduce global warming by just 0.05 degrees Celsius. According to current research, the costs could be significantly higher. The effect of the measures on global warming remains unclear. Scientific forecasts come…

Vlog: Economic impact of Brexit on the United Kingdom and European Union

The Brexit has impact on the British economy and the relation to the European Union (EU). Strong trade partners, like Germany, are also challenged with a possible “Hard Brexit”. Statistics provide economic data for importing and exporting goods from and to the EU. RESEARCH | ARTICLE © Karina Stark Leave your comments, thoughts and suggestions…

True: French President Emmanuel Macron announced the closure of the borders of the European Union and the Schengen area due to the spread of the coronavirus infection COVID-19

The news that Emmanuel Macron announced the closure of borders in the EU countries was published by the Russian socio-political and business newspaper Izvestia on March 16, 2020. The French President made a television appealto the nation because of the spread of coronavirus infection.