Uncheckable: The many thousand Ukrainian deserters are against continuing the war

Amira Mohamed Ali, a German politician of the new left-conservative party ‘Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht’, claimed “The Ukrainian leadership says that it wants to continue fighting, but the many thousands of deserters who are trying to leave Ukraine say something different.” This statement turned out to be uncheckable. Amira Mohamed Ali has been a member of…

Mostly false: “Energy and food are getting more expensive and companies are leaving”

Dutch ECR Group vice president Robert Roos claims: “Energy and food are becoming more expensive and companies are leaving. It is time to stop the green deal.” This statement turned out to be mostly false.  On 12 March 2024, the European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR Group) tweeted a quote from their vice president Robert…

False: “Every second immigrant who comes to Germany has no right to protection at all, but can usually still stay and receive social benefits”

On May 11th, German politician Sahra Wagenknecht from the BSW – Reason and Justice party said in an interview: “Every second immigrant who comes to Germany has no right to protection at all, but can usually still stay and receive social benefits.” The claim turns out to be false. Wagenknecht uses a type of framing…

Mostly True: Inflation issue that most concerns Portuguese in 2024 EU elections

The March 2024 IPSOS poll exclusively for Euronews reveals that fighting inflation is the top priority for Portuguese citizens. However, Portuguese voters are also concerned about social inequalities and economic growth, with little difference between the three issues. In fact, in March 2024, less than three months before the European elections, 84% of Portuguese voters…

Mostly False: “Only 1% of the EU budget EU is a share of the GDP of all countries. America has 33% of its budget in relation to GDP”

During an interview on Croatian Radiotelevision on the 10th of May, the Croatian EU Parliament candidate Katarina Peović claimed: “Only 1% of the budget of the European Union is a share of the GDP of all countries. America has 33% of its budget in relation to GDP.” By comparing the budget of the EU and…

Mostly False: Germany biggest EU net contributor, but is poorer, has to work longer and has less home ownerships than most EU-members

On April 30th 2024, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), published a reel on their official Instagram channel where they had this claim: “We (Germany) are the biggest net contributors, but are poorer, have to work longer, and we have less home ownerships than most of the EU-members”. They also showed statistics to prove the claim…

Mostly True: EC “first institution in world” to ban TikTok on corporate phones and Von der Leyen “has done a lot” to regulate the platform’s services

On 29th of February 2024, the Romanian news website Știripesurse.ro published a news article, “Von der Leyen does not exclude banning TikTok in the EU if she is re-elected as head of the European”, in the context of the European elections. Von der Leyen, the candidate for the presidency of the European Commission and its…

Blog: Navigating Press Freedom Challenges in Overwhelmed Health Systems

“You’re not from the FAZ or another major media outlet.” This incidental comment during our research for our factcheck on the rise in cholera numbers resonates in our minds and illustrates a bitter reality: journalists outside of large editorial offices are fighting against invisibility and a lack of respect. Our research work during the factcheck,…