Mostly True: There is still a gender pay gap in Iceland

On October 23, 2023, the State Secretary for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities, and Diversity of Belgium, Marie-Colline Leroy, posted a message on X about the striking women in Iceland. In the tweet, she claims the following: “In Iceland, women are striking today, along with non-binary individuals and even the prime minister @katrinjak, because in the…

True: the past twelve months were 1.3 degrees Celsius warmer than the pre-industrial era

On November 9, 2023, journalist Heleen Ekker, from RTL Nieuws, wrote about the warmest twelve months in history (Last Twelve Months Warmer Than Ever Recorded, 2023). She based her statement on research from Climate Central. She said that the past twelve months were the warmest period ever recorded, with temperatures 1.3 degrees Celsius higher than…

fact checking

Mostly false: Fewer than 4,400 wind turbines generate the same as three nuclear power plants

On March 1st, the Dutch right-wing political party JA21 tweeted that they would not want to see the Netherlands covered with wind turbines but instead prefer to build nuclear power plants. JA21 asserts nuclear energy to be a “clean and stable energy source”. In their tweet they claim that 4,400 wind turbines generate the same…

Mostly true: ‘Terrifying interactive map reveals the areas that could be plunged underwater by 2050’

On the 19th of February 2023 Sam Tonkin, a Britain based journalist from the Daily Mail published an article about sea level rises around the United Kingdom that could cause floodings in the country. Tonkin stated in the article: ‘Terrifying interactive map reveals the areas that could be plunged UNDERWATER by 2050 amid sea level…

Mostly False: “Whoever has been injected with that scary ‘vaccine’ can claim compensation in Denmark“

On the 12th of August 2022 the Dutch far right party leader Thierry Baudet of opposition party Forum Voor Democratie responded to an article of Danish news website DR. The article was about three Danes who received compensation because of the rare side effect the three suffered from after being vaccinated with the AstraZeneca. Baudet…

True: “The European Union’s climate tax is as much as 60% of the energy production costs.”

Numerous billboards around Poland appeared around February 2022, reading: “The European Union’s climate tax is as much as 60% of the energy production costs. EU climate politics = expensive energy/high prices.” The billboards turned out to be part of a campaign ran by Polish state-owned utility companies, financed by the Polish Ministry of State Assets.…