Mostly True: “Alcohol consumption among young people at an all time low”

On June 23rd 2022, the Tagesschau published an article on alcohol consumption by teenagers and young adults. The article is titled “Alcohol consumption among young people at an all time low” and focuses on the changing consumption behavior towards alcohol, smoking and cannabis among teenagers (12 to 17 years) and young adults (18 to 25…

Uncheckable: “Generation Z has more mental health problems than any other generation before”

German trend researcher Corinna Mühlhausen claims to have found out that “Generation Z suffers from psychological problems more than any other generation before it”. Even though the numbers of psychotherapies of children and adolescents are rising rapidly right now, it is not possible to verify this fact clearly. Therefore this claim must be classified as…

Mostly true: four in ten young people fear having children due to climate crisis

The British news service The Guardian claimed that “Four in 10 young people fear having children due to climate crisis“. The news service is referring to an international study that surveyed young people in 10 countries. The claim came out to be mostly true. For the article The Guardian used findings from a study that…