False: There is a direct connection between COVID vaccines and excess mortality

In the “Europawahlprogramm 2024” (European Election Program 2024) of the German political party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), alleged dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines are highlighted. The program claims a direct connection between these vaccines and excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic. This claim turns out to be false. “Due to (…) an alarming excess mortality,…

False: “Every second immigrant who comes to Germany has no right to protection at all, but can usually still stay and receive social benefits”

On May 11th, German politician Sahra Wagenknecht from the BSW – Reason and Justice party said in an interview: “Every second immigrant who comes to Germany has no right to protection at all, but can usually still stay and receive social benefits.” The claim turns out to be false. Wagenknecht uses a type of framing…

Mostly True: Inflation issue that most concerns Portuguese in 2024 EU elections

The March 2024 IPSOS poll exclusively for Euronews reveals that fighting inflation is the top priority for Portuguese citizens. However, Portuguese voters are also concerned about social inequalities and economic growth, with little difference between the three issues. In fact, in March 2024, less than three months before the European elections, 84% of Portuguese voters…

Mostly False: “Only 1% of the EU budget EU is a share of the GDP of all countries. America has 33% of its budget in relation to GDP”

During an interview on Croatian Radiotelevision on the 10th of May, the Croatian EU Parliament candidate Katarina Peović claimed: “Only 1% of the budget of the European Union is a share of the GDP of all countries. America has 33% of its budget in relation to GDP.” By comparing the budget of the EU and…

False: “The Netherlands has the most flexible labour market in Europe”

Dutch MEP Agnes Jongerius recently tweeted that the Netherlands has the most flexible labour market in Europe.  Jongerius, MEP for the Labour Party (PvdA) speaks of a ‘flexible labour market’, but what is the exact definition? On March 2017 the University of Amsterdam published a report in which ‘flexible labour market’ is given an understandable…

True: “80 percent of the European money for agriculture goes to the 20 percent largest farmers”

The current European agricultural policy runs until 2020. The discussions about this policy for 2021 have therefore started. Following this discussion, Menno Bentveld, a reporter at the Dutch national radio station NPO Radio 1 called Bas Eickhout, MEP on behalf of GroenLinks. Eickhout claimed that 80 percent of the European agricultural money goes to the…