EUFACTCHECK is the fact-checking project of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) that supports journalism schools to build and execute a sustainable curriculum unit on fact-checking, grounded in a European network.

Through factchecking European political claims and trying to tackle mis- and disinformation, we want our students and our public to grow a deeper insight and interest in democratic processes, both on national and European level. EUFACTCHECK supports fact-based debate in the EU and aims to stimulate media and information literacy.

For more information about the project: 

Participating EJTA Schools

Council of Europe Prize for Fact Checking 2019 and 2021

The Council of Europe Prize was awarded on a yearly basis between 2019 and 2022, excluding corona years, to the students’ publication on that showed best the application of EUfactcheck’s methodology and approach. The prize was created with support of the Council of Europe, and not meant to be a financial award, but an honourable mentioning of the title, which the respective winning school can carry with pride.

The jury (Giuseppe Zaffuto, Council of Europe / Jan Jagers, Belgian professional fact-checker / Nico Drok and Alexandra Stark, EJTA) awarded the prize in 2019 to the University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands with the check ‘True: 80 percent of the European money for agriculture goes to the 20 percent largest farmers’. In 2021 the prize was awarded to Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania with the check: Mostly true: “Poverty remains a major problem in Romania and the value of work in Romania is more than 3 times lower than the EU average”.

Our factcheck methodology and toolbox

Code of Principles of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN)

As an educational fact-checking project we realise that it is of utmost importance to have and use an instrument to check ourselves.

That’s is why we adhere to the existing commitments of the Code of Principles of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) and declare that we abide by:
A commitment to nonpartisanship and fairness
A commitment to transparency of sources
A commitment to transparency of funding & organization
A commitment to transparency of methodology
A commitment to open and honest corrections.

Since we’re not a 24/7 fact-checking organisation with an incorporation status or indefinite lifespan and as such we won’t attempt to obtain the IFCN verification badge.

EUCheck revised

Fact-checking flowchart

We developed a step-by-step fact-checking flowchart to help students and their teachers to follow a rigorous and uniform methodology in fact checking.

The fact check flowcharts are available from this page.

factchecking flowchart

Participating schools

Hogeschool Utrecht
FH Wien
Artesis Plantijn University College
thomas more
GIPA logo
Aristotle University
Catholic University of Milan